A vibrant and energetic environment that at first glance may appear unstructured, Windsor House is, in fact, supported by many underlying structures and learning theories such as inquiry-based, experiential and active learning.
At Windsor House, learning is
- Personalized—any time, any place, any pace
- Self-determined—students take charge to ensure relevance and engagement
- Constructivist—knowledge is created, not absorbed
- Experiential—the emphasis is on learning by doing and discovery
- Deep—higher-order thinking skills, not rote memorization
- Intrinsically motivated—no rewards or grades
- Technology-enriched—for knowledge, communication, exploration, expression, collaboration
- E-Portfolio-based—self-reflection, teacher feedback and conferencing instead of report cards
- Brain-based—working with the grain of the brain instead of against it
- Community-based—connected to the “real world” outside school walls
- Holistic—focused on learners as whole people